"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

sometimes the faucet drips

Oy. I'm amped on coffee.

Conversations with a six year old:

"Were you in a war?"
"Are you sure?"
-Pretty sure.
"Well, that's your sword isn't it?" (referencing the decorative sword I purchased in Toledo, Spain and has been kept in the basement office since moving here).
-Ah, well, yes it is
"Did you kill someone?"
-No, that sword is for decoration only.
"Are you ever gonna kill someone?"
-I don't know, I don't plan on it.

"Don't you like their singing?" (referencing the Cheetah Girls on the television).
-I don't think they are actually singing.
"Yes they are, can't you hear them?"
-No, I think they are just dancing to music that is playing.
"No, they're singing, look." (points emphatically at the TV)
-Have you ever tried to dance like that and sing at the same time? *pause* What happens when you dance around like that?
"Well I get tired." (bends over and pretends to breath heavily)
-Exactly, it'd be tough to sing like that while dancing. I think someone else is doing the singing.
(She turns up the volume on the TV) "Can't you hear them singing? Duh."
Mom interjects siding with Lilly, "I wouldn't bother, Lil."

"You'll always be older than Kyle, right?"
"So when he's 21 you'll be 23?"
-Uh, yeah pretty much. We get older at the same pace.
"And he'll always be older than me?"
-Yeah, see, we both go to bed at night and wake up the next day, and that day we're both one day older.
"What?! No, it's not like one day I'm 6 and the next day 7 and then 8 and 9."
-No, no, you don't get a year older every day, just a day older. You're 6 and let's say 100 days old, but tomorrow you'll be 6 and 101 days old, and I'll be 22 and 101 days old.
"Ohhhhh, I get it, we get a day older."
-Yeah, because we all get older at the same speed. We go to sleep and wake up together.
"Kyle too?"
-Everyone on the planet. Time is universal. Well, at least it sort of is...it's at least the dominant paradigm.

I recently finished In the Skin of a Lion and it was fantastic. I also spent last night, before falling asleep, thinking of some really amazing images and started to write in my head. I hate it when that happens because I always feel like I need to capture it, but I know getting up and getting out something to write with will force the train of thought into the shadows. Anyway, I'm too caffeinated at the moment to write anything creative. or recall the previous nights images. They were some good ones, beginning with snapshots from my time abroad. It was a great reaffirmation, making me appreciate having done what I did. Helps to relieve some of the stress I'm currently experiencing due to my situation.

I really like sleeping next to a window.
the heart's a lonely hunter.

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