"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Sunday, January 13, 2008

If I feel old when I'm young will I feel young when I'm old?

So it was partly sunny today. This is a partly good thing in my world. I got a bit of sun. Ran for the second day in a row. Which is also a partly good thing in my world. My quads were sore. Hmm, no wonder since yesterday happened to be a 15k loop that I did in the rain, and much to my surprise in 55 minutes. This was great. I at least have a lil something left over from my near decade of training. So, yes, today I was sore. Even after doing yoga yesterday to try for the love of God to loosen up my damn hamstrings. And it was all sunny on my run. So good. Although I kinda felt like I had heatstroke or sunstroke or whatever (one of those make believe illnesses like tendinitis and asthma). I was of course dehydrated as well because well it was supposedly Sarah's "Last Night" which is an infamous invocation in PPXC lore that compels one to "party hard". So yeah, also the proprietor of the bar is an extremely friendly man and after engaging me in a discussion about tourism and Karamea (side bar: karamea is gaining a large reputation in New Zealand and broader circles for it's innovative approach to tourism. It is one of the only communities that has taken a large stand in controlling how tourism affects it. Touristic activities, services and growth are all extremely scrutinized and regulated by the community. Many of the towns in New Zealand have been "taken over" by tourism and altered against resident wishes by large travel and adventure companies that bring in 400 bed hostels, jet boat rides, etc etc etc.) So being a local pub owner, he was interested in what I (as a tourist) expect, want, think of/from/of Karamea. He was impressed and ended up buying us all (12 or so) a round of Jameson whisky which to say the least, didn't leave the glasses light. Great guy. But this was toward the end of the evening. And well, whisky at the end of the evening doesn't portend well for Sean's hydration levels. Good night though. Good night. I really enjoy his pub. And somewhat surprised myself in my discussion with him. It was nice that he voiced his impressions of me because for me, it served as a very nice reminder of "oh yeah..." I do have skillsets, "oh yeah...." I can do something worthwhile. And it made me perhaps more confident in entertaining the idea of having to do market research and trend analysis. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. (isn't that grammatically incorrect? neither here or there)

Otherwise, what else do you people want to know. Not like you have to validate my blog or anything, but I am getting the feeling that interest in the blog is declining. Perhaps it's a parallel feeling that I've been having about being anxious to be home. Perhaps knowing that I'll be home or with you again soon, people feel the need to read my blog less. Whatever. I'm being yelled at to get in the shower before we go out again tonight (tonight is really Sarah's "Last Night") plus there's free live music. Derh, no brainer.


I tried playing around and I don't think it came out well. I like the idea of a disjointed inner monologue. I wish that the text would be able to jump around so sporadically whilst somehow maintaining some semblance of consistency in order to cohere and well, be readable really. So obviously it needs a ton of work. I didn't say I was going to post polished pieces here. Only scrappy crappy images that I record. And other things like this, when I experiment with dumb shit. This is all a large prefatory excuse to absolve myself of the sin which is this bit. Anywho. Yeah.

Bush Lounge:

This room can’t be larger than 50 ft by 50 ft. And thank god. Everything that’s squeezed in here is enough. God my head hurts. Isn’t this punishment providence of the Sun? Why now? The colors are warm and lend themselves easily to the slurry my eyes seemed mired in. And that music. That music. Is it upbeat? Is it sad? What the fuck are they saying anyway? Ah, but it’s swimming. It’s not all bad, in fact, I could swim with this. am I swaying? Damn music. Lagrimas of gold. What does that even mean? Is it sad? Nah, nah, I don’t need another. Damn. Do I want one or not? Why not just order another? You want one. Ah, that music. Like I’m in a rowboat these crescendos. Yeah, yeah definitely. The red does look better blended in with that orangish yellowy spot. This! This is it. Haha. Yeah this is all I wanted. That fit man, and is that his wife? I suppose mother would be out of the question, and nah, sister would, well, nah, no not his sister. But her? How’d that happen? But would ya look at that. Yeah fine I’ll have another. They’re organic anyway right? Want to support the industry. Hah, hot damn would you look at that. She hasn’t a clue what she’s doing. She’s just wriggling her fat ass around. Haha. He’s not much better no, definitely not, but somewhere in his steps there seems to be a pattern. He’s going somewhere with that. Are they drunk? Kudos to them if they aren’t, the company here in this town doesn’t seem like the forgiving type. This is why I’m here. Yeah, this is great. They are why I’m here.
Dang that music. I could listen to that all night. Mmm, and this table. It’s so big. And it’s smooth. What a nice yellow golden glow. Hypnotizing. Yeah that’s what this is. These colors, this music. That voice. Sotto voce right? Hah, I don’t know. That’s Itlalian. No, this guy isn’t Italian. Up and down, down and up, lagrimas, yeah lagrimas, de oro. All curves. The music is massaging all these people and colors together. Smudging it together, into one beautiful hue. Distilled. No. not distilled. It’s all still there. Every bit of it. But look at it. Right there. What a beautiful hue. Yeah, a real color of life. Hah. Color of life, I should write that one down. Color of life. But isn’t it? Haha. It is it is, it’s a color of life. Contentedness? Relaxed? Hmm, who gives a shit? Buhm buhm bah bah buhm buhm. Dang, listen to that. Yeah ok one more. I’ve gotta join that hue. I’m in the center of the planet. Watch out coming through, beverage in tow. Dang would you feel that? Up and down, down and up blah blah blah-o blah blah-as, yeah just keep singing. Haha. Yeah, this is why I’m here. This is it. My head hurts. So, that’s it’s problem. Whoa yeah, this room could use some of that black and violet, let some of it in, the stars are too far away but we’ll take some of you right there, yeah mix in here with this red extravanganza. Haha, yes perfect. Feel that? Oo, perfect, yes. I like that laugh. Good one. Hey man, you just keep up that wiggling. Yep, nope, no more. I’m done, yeah, I’m done. Hmm, yeah maybe that song is sad. What was that last bit? Clandestino? Yes. Exactly. I gotta go.

1 comment:

  1. keep writing sean. if you stopped i would have one less thing to do at work, which would mean either more facebook time or death by boredom. probably both.

    i bet if you'd invited the teeny-bopper over she would have loosened your hamstrings for you...
