"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Never-Ending Summer.: Viva le Sol

I could get used to this flip-flopping hemispheres to keep summer eternal. It's really working for me. This past weekend was fantastic. We raked in loads of cash on Saturday from the shop and had worked so hard and done so well, our hard working hosts decided to take the afternoon off with us and we went out to enjoy the beautiful Marlborough Sounds. My host's father has a huge magnificent boat that we went out on for lunch with plenty of wine and beer. The sun was shining, the water shimmering, and the wind blowing. It was great. I love boating. Hee.

So, we had a fantastic time. We went scalloping (the sounds are full of scallops and jellyfish it turns out). So we caught TONS of scallops and I personally shelled and shucked a lot of them. Scooping out the scallop from the shell, cutting off the icky bits, and POPping them into our mouths was an experience for me. Raw seafood isn't normally my cup of tea unless it's a great sushi dinner at Ken's on Foothill Blvd with fantastic company like the Mulcahy-Finley partnership. But these scallops were amazing. So sweet, so fresh (obv) and unbelievable. We just yanked them out of the water with our special scallop scooping net. And then enjoyed them. We had them on sandwiches with avocado, nice wine, fudge for dessert. It was high class. Yes sir. And I felt right at home to say the least. Hee.

We then carried the party on to a neighbor's home who had a large bbq (we had a LOT of scallops so we decided to share the wealth). The party was great. Quintessential summertime barbeque and we definitely enjoyed ourselves. Marvelous indeed. We spent the whole evening 'taking the piss'. Everyone was hungover Sunday morning except for me (hmmm....) and we rose early to go to the farmer's market. We made a killing at the market, and I helped one of the neighbor's with her coffee cart. My first experience as a barista. It was pretty sweet. I drank too much coffee but that's alright. I enjoyed it. It was also paid work which was pretty darn sweet. I haven't made any money in such a long time. And the company working the cart was great. Another sunshiney day and all was right in the world down here. Definitely enjoyed it. Hardwork, hard play, exactly what this guy enjoys. Went for a couple of runs that were fantastic. A local boy has challenged me to a race up the old miner's track. Recall the old old miner's track across the mountains that I ran a few days ago. Well this rugby player built 19 year old thinks he can take me. Let's just say, I better freaking win. I'm not losing to this young whipper snapper. Ah well, we'll see how it goes. So the weekend was great. And I love summer even though I sort of sunburnt my back. Another reminder of how Ireland somehow sucked the soul out of me (which is physically manifest in my melanin levels.) Well, not Ireland, correction. Winter. Fuck winter. Seriously. I only enjoy it in romantic one week segments where I can say, oh, look snow, oh look icicles. oh look, let's go skiiing. oh look, i'm back in the warm sunshine wasn't that nice. That's my kind of winter. Smile. Ok, well I hope you are all doing very well, as well as me actually, and those people who enjoy winter, i hope you are enjoying it and for those of you who don't enjoy winter, what are you doing in winter? And for those of you with jobs. My condolences. But I guess I'll be up at 6am tomorrow morning....and I guess I made some money today and that was pretty cool, so maybe I'll retract my last statement about jobs. They're kinda cool I guess. Viva le Sol

I actually don't know Spanish.

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