"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Societal Fart

you know, that unpleasant gas that is released when society's a bit bloated? Well, that's sort of how I feel again. Not because of my high fruit diet, which believe me makes the trips to the bathroom so much more uneventful. But, just as I was having these feelings of usefulness, I've been humbled back into that odorous gaseous excess from our current society. A result of overindulgence, too much luxury and really no sense of purpose, floating around without much use and whenever somone does notice it, the reaction tends to be looking for someone to blame my existence on. This is going overboard, but you get the picture. I abase to this extent in order to highlight the difference between me and these new WWOOFers.

Well, so, the guy is 26 or something. Out of high school, joins the Air Force, becomes a technician on F16's gets stationed in Utah, then flown out to Kuwait befriends fellow soldiers who go out into war and don't come back. Then comes back, goes to college, finished, goes to Alaska and works on a fishing boat (he knows several of the guys from Deadliest Catch) then moves to Colorado with his girlfriend and does tiling and ski/snowboard instruction. They came down here for the Winter to do ski/snowboard instruction, the season ended and they've been working odd jobs and WWOOFing.

Ugh, whether or not life is a competition. I lose. I can only make a feeble attempt to talk about books I've read, which are books that most people find pretentious. How can I compete with talking about how the flux capacitor after-burner thruster mechanism of an F16 works? Well I can't, I have just as many big words, but the subject matter seems to be less engaging. Especially when my host is a staunch Utilitarian and has very little room in his conception of the world or everyday life for abstract thinking on even the responsibility of holding certain ethical theories in mind. It just doesn't seem to fit in this world. But, it's not like I was looking for it to, so actually, I'm fine.

Hah, that whine was way longer than it was supposed to be because now it seems like it was a huge deal, when in reality. it was not. I went on another mountain run today but couldn't take the dog because there wasn't an extra car so I had to bike there. it was difficult and my legs are sore.

I don't know how long I'll stay here. Everyday when I wake up at 6am I hate myself and want to leave. But then, I have breakfast and a cup of coffee and I feel fine about it. hee. not sure that's so healthy. I'll be moving on soon regardless. There are no funny stories today so don't even ask. Although, we might all go to the pub tonight. Which if we do. I can pretty much guarantee some juicy stuff for tomorrow's entry. Oooh, doesn't it just make you squirm?

Since going abroad, I have begun to watch Star Trek and Scrubs (because they are ALWAYS on) and while I am beginning to love Star Trek, I hate Scrubs. Its awful and if you like it, you're wrong. I think I have breast cancer, well actually I'm not sure, it might just be a pimple.

I think I almost have a cut on every finger of my hand. (can you tell that I've run out of things to say and so I'm just sitting here noticing on the weird stuff I've acquired in the past few days?) Well I do almost have a cut on every single finger. Believe me, typing is fun.

I've received some unbelievable feedback about the blog lately (ugh, what a follow up to the above paragraph, heh.) and it's been really awesome to hear. I am really impressed some of you are still reading, I mean it's kind of a commitment yeah? well anyway, i'm proud of you all.

ok i need some material. nah screw that, no i don't, i need a shower. The raspberries have ripened and they are delicious. I'm think I'm going to cut this off because it's starting to get really lame. Oh, speaking of lame. I really like these new WWOOFers, but they are a couple. and couples around single people are almost always annoying. Take that as a warning, you. you couples. Cutesy, fyutesy inside jokes are NOT appropriate around other people. I'm sorry, but I don't go around whispering secrets in front of other people because I was taught that was RUDE. So, go tee hee out of earshot. Please. Perhaps I'll start slapping my hosts and fellow WWOOFers butts and pinching their love handles around the house...or maybe make out with their dog.

puke and guts.

56 minutes--no clue how far or how fast, it was up a mountain. started to rain part way through.

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