"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Friday, September 21, 2007

As Weeks Go By

Well, it's Friday again. And we have a weekend's worth of work to do. But perhaps we'll steal away to Dublin for the first time. Or maybe we'll save it for next weekend. there's just always more to do. Derry is in the cards for this evening...

I was frustrated yesterday at the fact that a) it was raining making it impossible for us to sand and varnish our new timber or even to move cinder blocks into their appropriate stations without sacrificing the days' work to dry it all. and b) at my growing belly. eating chunks of lard out of a can in 'Irish Stew' for some 70 odd cents every other night and doing nothing but ?isometric? (i'm no weightlifter) exercise has left my stomach, my back but regretfully not my shoulders or arms with extra weight. The Guinness I'll admit doesn't help either. and finally c) the fact that I've been more or less forced to give up running for the time being on any consistent or regular basis all led to a break down yesterday. Since we couldn't do any of the work we needed to do, I opted for a run. A long run. A run that I am no longer quite in shape for.

Out of stubborness I ran to Clonmany. and then back. Rounding out the 2 hours and 10 minutes into a 20 some mile run. Take that chunks of lard. I am willing to make a lot of concessions for this enterprise, the detioration of my body beyond quick repair is not one of them. Too stringent? I think not. I'll take calluses, cuts, sore arms and shoulders, pale and weather worn skin (not kindly though, grr) but I need my running body. And while we're on the topic, many people said before I left that coming to Ireland and spending time here would be "much better for my skin" as opposed to living in the loveliness of California I'm guessing. Well I'm here to say, that not only am I sacrificing the beauty of my skin, I'm also sacrificing it's health. It's either UV damage from California, or wind torn, frozen, dry, callused skin. Well, I'll take UV then please.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to visitors, and it sneaks closer and closer. The time here actually does fly. Gots to go now, gettin the boot. Bye.

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