"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today's post will suck because I am absolutely exhausted. My forearms and hands are permanently cramped and no longer have any strength. Typing is quite difficult. Brian and I put up our rafters today so we have a good looking roof frame up. Pictures will come. We also rented a cement grinder (yikes power tools!) and freed up the last sheets of tin that were cemented to the wall. It was very apparent that my father was not the power tool type because Brian had to do most of the grinding. I'm sorry but a machine that is a quarter of my weight and spins I don't even know how quickly and cuts through cement while I am perched atop a roof rafter jusssst doesn't fit my bill. go figure. I'm guessing by the time my far away brethren are celebrating the only real joys of life (running and drinking and tahoe) this weekend, we here in Ireland, may, just may, finally have a functional roof above our heads. And a damn sexy one at that. The next step is stove door and window. Then...THEN! We are in business.

Today was the first time Brian and my tempers wore a bit thin with each other. I was wondering when this might happen and was fairly surprised we lasted this long (I tend to wear on people). However, it was diffused pretty quickly and we got back to work and joking around. I think...just maybe, we both realize how absolutely essential it is that we both stay cool with each other, because if that were to go, I think this whole project might go up in flames....if that was anywhere near possible in this permanent bog. But, afterall, we're all each other has....quaint. But regardless, as Sydney prepares to join us (still a month and some away) we are preparing for her arrival. Brian and I have determined that the first few days she spends here we will lock up the house and go on holiday and she can stay in the tent. Hah. Just kidding. But let's just say she's stepping into a nice situation considering the amount of work and hell she's skipped so far. We've been blessed by weather and I got a haircut.

Anyway, I haven't much else to report. Adrian our barkeep friend who normally works McCaillon's is on holiday in croatia until Friday, we haven't seen the Eggman in a while but the people I rented the cement grinder from seemed really nice and glad that we weren't tourists, haha. Also the replacement barkeep at McCaillon's also appreciated our extended stay and our project. That helps a lot. Oh! I can't believe I forgot to tell you all about Peej. I guess this past weekend was so exciting he got lost. The neighbor boy stopped by a few nights ago on his way out to the pubs and introduced himself. Nice kid, had nice friends, they all have short bleach blonde styled hair and similar clothes. His name is PJ and Brian and I are going to call him Peej, in honor of our good friend BJ Newman. Thanks Beej. He's probably 19 I'm guessing? Anyway, we hadn't met him right away because he had been away on holiday in the Canary Islands, sounds awesome. Maybe, I don't really know anything about the Canary Islands. The most important point about Peej is that one of his friends said without any provocation that our house would "look really good when it's all done" in probably the most genuine tone I've heard thus far. It was unbelievably relieving and joyful to hear that. I just about fell down dead in love with that little kid. What a saint. He has no idea. And he's fucking right, the people who say we should just demolish it are the nutjobs.

So this post turned out to be way longer than I thought it would but I guess that'll happen. I could almost say I'm getting used to the rain here, or at least not getting so upset every time it pours. Maybe, or maybe we've just been getting really lucky with the weather. I can't wait for this roof. It's getting pretty chilly at night and Brian and I definitely, definitely need to hit the laundromat. The clothes are like, beyond dirty, as in, they are absolutely disgusting to put on, not just look dirty or have dirt on them. Like they are cold and slimy and gross to even put on. So yeah, that's cool. But I'd have to say morale is "high" right now, i should say, just below even keeled really, but that's pretty damn high for this trip. Feeling like a local again cruising around town on the bike with a grinder strapped to the back. I'm getting to know my way around pretty well and now take all the shortcuts and ride in the street even though the streets are 10 ft wide and cars drive about 02837146892346280957 km/h which i think is still pretty fast in mph. Nah, actually I think they are in mph here but I'm not sure since the signs are in kph. No wonder there are so many auto fatalities in Ireland (its about all you hear about on the radio) but never fear, we are being careful even when others aren't!

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, forgive me if I have, but due to the incessant repetition of music in Ireland we have switched to the Irish channel which is less annoying to listen to adverts and such and plays mostly classical music concerts and some traditional folk music. It's great, Brian and I were brushing up on our 18th century composers and aria singers the other day. Good stuff. I sang an aria to Brian sawing our support beams. He was absolutely charmed to the gills, but you can't blame him I have that effect on people. Keep it real Statesiders. Or even non-Statesiders, I see some people checkin' in from round the world, and I wish good times, security and an extra dose of patience to all those people. Japan, Russia, the like. Cool. I'm going to go swing a hammer.


  1. Absolutely fantastic! 50% of the population under the age of 25 have to go elsewhere for employment and what do we get in exchange - this patronising, pretentious little gobshite.

    In fact, your blog is such a cliche of an American in Ireland, I thought it was a wind up at first.

    On the plus side, it's all bound to end in tears. Look forward to reading your bleating cheerio in the Inish Times.

    McCallions. Figures.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Seaners - Your bloggy makes me smile. I don't know who this rando is who replied already. From what I can tell, he's some sort of robotic douche. That or a CMS football player. Of course there's a slim possibility he's a horseman of the apocolypse, in which case you should fight him off with your wand of the magi. For now, I call him "Blogbee O'Stalkahan". Well Blogbee, I'm here to let you in on a little credo we have in the world of hearty non-offensive positive peaches: if you go about spewing judgmental negativity it's only gonna make you pitifully depressed and angry.

    But enough about O'stalkahan. Sean, my good man, you are... well... one hundred percent FAB-ulous! (limp-wrist high-five)! (cue b-back theme song)

  4. Ah Sean, you know I love these writings. They are pure you. How well does Brian know you now?

    And Dave, keep the posting's coming - Sean needs you.
