"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Erratic Indeed

So I'm fine today. and actually was fine pretty soon after leaving the library yesterday.

the sun is shining but its pretty cold. We suspect that there was frost last night. It was pretty cold. We are still moving along with sealing up the walls, it's taking longer than we thought but it's coming along. Hopefully by the week's end we'll have doorways that are sealed and walls that keep us warm. Potentially, we could even have beds and a closet. How exciting. Otherwise, not much is happening that I haven't already mentioned.

My reading has slowed and started to retrace itself. I've learned through several disappointing starts that just because a book wins a prize doesn't in any way mean it's good or worth reading. I read a novel given to me by a friend here that actually was quite good, it was written by Lionel Shriver and it's entitled "We need to talk about Kevin", it's kind of an interesting read. A little sad, but those books are often the best kind. I requested Henry James' "The Golden Bowl" one of my throwbacks to ID1 freshman year, from the library but it has yet to arrive. Bummer.

I'm dreaming of warm weather like always and Brian and I have been pretty concerned over the warm weather in Southern California. The fires there, all we can gather, are devastating. We expect the Federal Goverment is taking a bit more pro-active approach after their embarrassing and inexcusable debacle in New Orleans. I'm seriously looking forward to the weekend which hasn't happened in a while. It's somewhat refreshing. So much to do, so little time. Haven't felt like that in a while though. Funny how self-imposed deadlines can be as serious if not more serious that external deadlines.

I got to shower today. And it felt great. The rats have kept away recently, not sure why, because there is still food around (although not as much, heh.). We've had cows deposited on the land now. Which is, well, really not a problem at all, just somewhat inconvenient. We can no longer take relaxing breaks on our porch or enjoy the good view from our land. awesome.

But with a whiff of the end in the air, moods and hopes improve. And yet, it's still quite a ways from the end. But I don't like to think of that. I'll be flying solo all too soon.

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