"...my poor heart is sentimental....not made of wood"

Thursday, October 25, 2007


We have beds! and a wardrobe! and Crosby is coming on Saturday!

These are all good things.

We mixed up a Lime Wash (according to Lauren's expert studio art and general know-how recommendation) and ta-da! It solved most of our lime plaster cracking issues. So...

Our spare bedroom is actually just as legit as any fancy schmancy millionaire home in the Good Ol' US of A. Sort of.

Which is a damn good thing considering the Polar winds have been unrelenting for the past several days. I think knowing I'm so close to the North Pole makes it colder than it actually is. Envisioning winds blowing of the ice cap and swirling into my house makes me shiver.

Although, Vindication has been dappled lightly with a brush of fine golden hairs upon my toiling broiling no longer dark creamy tanned brow. The thermal mass principles that we have been banking on to help heat our home actually work! Although, this has mainly to do with the walls (which we didn't do, they were already there) has rewarded our staunch stubbornness against bulldozing the place. Our kitchen was warm last evening, thanks to no fire, electrical aid, warm water bottles, or any supernatural event. It was simply that our 3 foot thick stone walls baked all day in the (freezing) sun and absorbed absorbed absorbed all that sunshiny goodness and radiated the heat back into our little abode all evening. It was miraculous. It was still cold, but not quite as cold. And that's quite a difference.

We also saw crazy dog yesterday and were overjoyed to see him. You will recall that there are many stray dogs around Buncrana and we had early on taken to naming them all. Crazy dog is the stray dog that runs into the middle of the road inches in front of speeding bumpers and nips at hubcaps, open windows, wiper blades anything. We have even seen him take on large Cement trucks. This dog is, in a word, crazy.

We hadn't seen him in a long time, and we thought, since a young boy had been bitten by a stray dog some time in early September that the strays had been rounded up and killed, since most of our usual strays were not to be found. However, cunning Crazy Dog, obviously, laid low until the stray dog killing had abated before rearing his formidable, patchy coated awkward gangly mug. Long live Crazy Dog.

Ugh, so tired today. We worked from 4pm to 11pm yesterday trying to prep the room for the furniture delivery and on only one meal the whole day long. So after throwing our freezing cold nubbins of hands up in the air and calling it quits after several long hours working by headlamp (including me heaving buckets of cement at least a third of my weight along our roof (no small feat by headlamp in tennis shoes on a tin roof)), we had missed all the local eating establishments, and also the grocers. So, no food for us last night. We then headed for the next best thing: Guinness. In addition, our friend was playing music again and so we needed to go see him. So, after 3 pints I felt sufficiently full enough to walk home and pass out. Brian on the other hand had the delight of trying 55 year old Whiskey. Yeah. Not something you find often, at least not in the States. He was rather pleased.

Wonderful. Well that's probably it for now, hopefully I'll get a video or some photos up soon of the new room etc. At the very least, I'll have some great photos of a killer holiday up in a week and a half. For those who celebrate it, have a fantastic Halloween. Awesome. later.


  1. Hi Guys: Great stuff.
    I left Buncrana years ago, but go back when I can--for some perverse reason, I love the place. I admire your actually doing things, as opposed to the traditional practice of rationalizing inaction and heaping scorn on the do-ers, with sage advice on what they should be doing instead. Your way is better for you (and better for the house), and might even inspire somebody else to get off his barstool. Best of luck. Courage through the crappy weather!

  2. I know Buncrana, sort of, so it's fun to read about your rambles around the town. Can't quite picture where the house is, though. Good luck.
